What say you, Bobbi? Appears to me to be a broadband ten-element high-frequency Yagi. I'd love to own one.
There's a double fence around the whole place, with camera towers every hundred meters or so.
And a bit farther down the road we see the antenna in the distance. More like twelve to fifteen elements, I'd say. Like the one at the Pentagon. Maybe they talk to each other: "dit-dit-dit-dit-dit..."
They've got lots of stuff, but I don't see a boathouse. Musta been one of those trick questions.
"'ello, 'ello, 'ello! What's all this, then? That's as far as you go, Yank. Nothing to see 'ere. Just turn your fancy camera car around and get yer arse back to Cupertino."
See for yourself here.