Friday, October 10, 2008

Brigitte Bardot calls Sarah Palin a 'disgrace to women'

The London Telegraph.

(That's Bardot on the right.)


  1. sweet zombie jeebus, what happened to Bridget?

  2. Gah! How to ruin a perfectly good lifelong fantasy in one fell swoop.

    La Bardot, I mean.


  3. Bardot reminds me of that scene in one of the Evil Dead movies. A comely vixen has turned into a crone, cursed or something. She approaches Our Hero and says "you found me beautiful once" and he says "yeah, but you got real ugly." Or words to that effect.

    Bardot prolly has 50 cats and smells like cat pee. I know someone with one cat who smells like cat pee. Ye gods! *shudder*

    And Palin? She's just hot. She doesn't have to dance, drunk & barefoot with her dress halfway unbuttoned for anyone to see that.

    More importantly, Palin is right.

  4. It bears repeating:
    "And Palin? She's just hot. She doesn't have to dance, drunk & barefoot with her dress halfway unbuttoned for anyone to see that."

    I wish more young women (I don't use the term ladies because their behaviour doesn't earn the word) would realize this.
