Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Had A Dream ...

... about a Super Gun-Blogger Fest, like the ones in Indianapolis. Only this one was national, and there were hundreds of gunnies, maybe thousands, dining and socializing together. And in my dream there were metal detectors at all the entrances. And if you couldn't make it chirp, you couldn't come in.


  1. As for the first part, there is a Gun Blogger's Rendezvous.

    As for the metal detector thing, I guess that would depend on where it is held, and the rules of the operator of the facility. Might need a waiver system for those traveling from or through hostile territory, too.

  2. Turk, remember that Kansas City is central to everywhere in the US and Missouri recognizes CCW from all states.

  3. I lurve the metal detector idea. Now what we need is a hotel with a shooting range in the basement.
