Monday, April 13, 2009

First Anniversary

My first post, April 13, 2008, was about the EAA Witness that I bought the day before.

Since then there have been nearly 600 posts, over 20,000 hits and nearly 10,000 visitors.

Still, Turonistan is just a sleepy little backwater on the information waterway, or whatever. And that's about all it can be, and that's ..... OK.


  1. Well now.... Happy anniversary my friend! Perhaps not so many hits... but this little bywater has a quality that makes it a daily read of mine :-)

  2. Still not a bad achievement. Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! I visit Turonistan daily -- one never knows what the camels will be up to. ;)

  4. Congrats! Here's to another good year!
