Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Am Not Worthy!

Roberta X, in her most excellent blog novel, Another Day, has based a character on yours truly. My fictional counterpart seems to be a deep space Sergeant Bilko, a scrounger, a schemer. There's one on every ship, the type who can get you a carton of American cigarettes, a pound of Danish butter, a jar of marmalade, or a 35mm single lens reflex camera with a focal-plane shutter.

Or a rock hammer, if the price is right.

I am very gratified and yet unworthy of this high honor.


  1. Do you get a stunt double? No.. knowing you, you will do your own stunts.

    That's really cool!

  2. Good for you Turk, only problem is now you have to live (or down) to the image... :-)

  3. Can you get me a poster of Rita Hayworth? I just want to make chess pieces...

  4. ...Of course, he's not the only blogger to make an appearance. His alter ego has a lot more "stage presence" than most, though.

  5. RobK: you got one movie reference.

    Is there anyone out there willing to admit that they are old enough to get the other one?

    RobertaX: every ship needs a scrounger, why not starships?

  6. Unless chocolate-covered Egyptian cotton is involved, I can't figure out the other reference.

  7. Can you get me a baseball for when I'm in the cooler? It's only a matter of time before they find who stole Werner's wallet ... /excessively proud of myself.

  8. Joanna's got it! The Great Escape (1963). James Garner was The Scrounger, who stole the wallet, and Donald Pleasence was The Forger, who wanted the camera. And Steve McQueen was The Cooler King who needed the baseball.

  9. I always felt a little sorry for Werner. He seemed like a fairly decent guy who just got caught up in things. I mean, a ferret's a ferret, but he had a mother who loved him.

    I can't believe I'm the only one who got it. That movie's 20 years older than I am. :-P
