In the upper left corner you can just see one of the many bends of the Shenandoah River.
At about the mid-point of the trip there is a very sharp hairpin turn. It's a lot of fun on a bike because it's sharply downhill on the way out; not so much fun to climb it on the way back.
I'm thinkin' about puttin' a still in my back yard. But how to keep the revenooers away? Any suggestions?
Looks like Bentonville.
Who's your Asian friend, Turk?
NJT: you're right, it is Bentonville.
No renter in the house right now, so if you come out to visit you have a place to stay, I left just some essential furniture in it to make it look nice for showing.
BTW - I think the comment above will take you to Japanese porn. I get that stuff all the time and just delete it.
I got tired just looking at the map.
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