Tuesday, June 22, 2010

When Hippies Collide

Electric cars are so quiet that blind pedestrians could unwittingly step into the path of these ultra-quiet cars, such as the Nissan Leaf. So advocates for the blind have demanded that electric cars be equipped with noise-makers to warn of their approach. Problem solved? Not quite:

Anti-Noise Activists Oppose Sounds for Electric Cars


Old NFO said...

Can we say decreasing circles of concentric stupidity??? sigh...

Turk Turon said...

Concentric stupidity death-spiral.

Joel said...

Ha! This reminds me of stories I've heard about stupid laws passed locally to keep them newfangled "horseless carriages" from scaring the horses and causing mayhem.

Just how common is it, blind people blindly crossing busy streets without help? I'm guessing this new law is an attempt at a brilliant solution to a nonexistent problem.